how to make a strawberry milkshake without a blender?

You need to get frozen strawberries in a container and mash them perfectly. Then, pour in the chilled milk to the mashed strawberries. Keep stirring the mixture until it attains a smooth consistency.  You can enhance the flavor of the milkshake by adding honey, ice cream, or vanilla extract into it.

The texture of the milkshake depends on your choice. If you want it to be thicker, you can put in more strawberries. But if you want it to be more  pourable, you will have to add more milk.

In the alternate way, you can use a sealable plastic bag to knead your ingredients until everything is mixed properly. And your strawberry milkshake is ready without a blender. Now, let’s have a look at each of these methods in detail.

Using a Mason Jar or Container:

Get your required amount of frozen and fresh strawberries in a container. Now, use a fork to break down the strawberries into a smooth paste, and you don’t need a blender to do this.  If the strawberries are completely mashed, pour milk into the paste according to the type of consistency that you want.

Then, start stirring all the ingredients in the container using a whisk or a spoon. Continue the stirring process until the milkshake achieves the desired consistency, which can be either thick or poured as desired.

Alternative Methods:

There are other ways also for preparing strawberry milkshakes without having a mason jar. You can make use of a sealable plastic bag and just put the strawberries and milk inside it.

Make sure it’s sealed very well. Keep kneading the bag until all the ingredients are mixed well and the milkshake achieves the smooth consistency.  

Enhancing Flavor and Sweetness:

There are different ways through which you can make your milkshake taste even better.  You can add honey for enhanced sweetness. If you are looking for something creamy, yogurt or ice cream can be the perfect option.

The flavor of your milkshake can also be enhanced by adding a little bit of cinnamon or nutmeg into it. It will also add a sweet aroma to your milkshake. Besides this, you can even put in some vanilla extract to enhance the sweetness.

Adjusting Consistency:

The consistency of your milkshake is going to depend on how you want it to be. So, if you want a thicker one, just make sure the quantity of strawberries is more than the milk.

And if you want a thicker one, the milk has to be a little bit more than usual. Then, let it be a point that you mash the strawberries very well and keep adjusting the consistency and sweetness until you achieve your desired one.

Serving and Enjoying:

If you are done with the process and you are pleased with the results, put the milkshake in a glass, and you can just decorate it with two or three slices of strawberry or whipped cream.

Serve rightly after that, and make sure you have the time of your day, especially if it’s summer when you just need to relax and refresh yourself with a delicious and refreshing strawberry milkshake.


So, you don’t necessarily need a blender to make a strawberry shake. You can use any of the above options that we have mentioned and prepare your strawberry milkshake with ease and like a pro.

But make sure you have all the ingredients that you need. Also, you can add additional ingredients to the milkshake to adjust the flavors as per your preference and choice.

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